Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tightwad deal of the day!

So after I lost my Bradford Pear this summer, I wanted to replace it with a Magnolia or Dogwood tree. Unfortunately I couldn't find one in this area this late in the season and being the tightwad that I am I didn't want to order one and pay anywhere from $200 to $500. Today I just happen to be helping my son sell boyscout popcorn at the local Lowe's, when I got bored and wanted to stretch my legs. When it was slow I strolled out into the garden area and found all the trees and shrubs were on clearance. I found a 10 foot tall Eastern Redbud for only $20!!! Normally this would cost 10 times that at a local garden center.
As you can see I didn't plant it exactly where the old tree was, I decided to plant it at the center of the front yard. Next spring I am going to have to adjust the mulch ring around the tree to get it centered and will have to re-seed on the left side to fill in the other parts.

Hopefully by this spring the tree will resemble something like this!

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